Who we are and why we do it.

Information inequality is the root cause of unrealised opportunities for both professional services buyers and advisers.

Buying professional services advice such as legal or tax advice can be a daunting process for consumers and businesses alike.

They have to spend a lot of time searching and collecting information on experts, establish which experts are taking new clients and then trying to infer or predict the quality of the experts advice.

Even after consuming the professional advice the buyer might still be in a position whereby they cannot assess the quality or value of the advice or even the impact. 

This can often give rise to the buyer having a perception that they could suffer from unfair costly agreements, opportunism or overcharging. 

The net effect is that businesses and consumers alike are unable to make a valid assessment of their needs and end up not resolving the problem they have.  

This results in very good and honest professional advisers missing out on work. 

Rokman Media was founded in 2014 to address the assymetry of information and knowledge gap that exists between professional services clients and advisers.

We’ve leveraged our backgrounds in professional services industries, both consumer and business to build publishing and service solutions that connect professional advisers with our highly-motivated audiences.

Our mission is to redress the balance of information inequality that exists between professional services advisers and their intended audiences for mutual benefit.

Our publishing brands attempt to address this problem by closing these gaps, turning audiences into motivated buyers and potential clients.

We share knowledge and expertise while creating opportunities for advisers to showcase their expertise and to reach and connect with potential clients.

We do this by creating comprehensive professional interest content and digital experiences, and connecting our audiences to advisers that can help. 

We take a data insight & customer-led approach in everything we do. Every piece of content is carefully curated in line with areas of information search and satisfaction. We listen to our audiences and work closely with our commercial partners to create premium experiences across our portfolio of brands.

We do this by informing audiences through market-leading content, influencing and empowering our audiences to become motivated buyers, and by delivering impact for our commercial partners through valuable connections.

We create content, products and services that redress the balance of information inequality in professional services markets by informing, influencing and having impact.

We utilise our extensive data and insight gained from our publishing platforms to help brands find new business opportunities and exposure to assist in differentiation.

By leveraging these data insights, we create bespoke digital marketing solutions for brands to build commercially-advantageous relationships.