Connecting brands and audiences through information equality.

We specialise in professional interest content. Through our leading publishing brands, we provide content, products and services that bring together professional advisers and audiences for mutual benefit and value. ​

Understanding and embracing knowledge has become essential to how we live. But for inexperienced buyers of professional services like legal and tax advice, it can be difficult to know who to go to for help, or what makes a fair price or a good service.

We believe this information inequality is the root cause of unrealised opportunities for both professional services buyers and advisers. Buyers lacking knowledge and confidence may suffer decision paralysis and opt not to seek help. While they miss out on the optimal solution to their issues, advisers are missing out on work.

Our publishing brands are rebalancing this asymmetry of information, enabling advisers to showcase expertise while empowering buyers to make informed decisions and get the help they need. 

We operate some of the most well-known professional interest content brands in the UK.

Our portfolio of platforms provide comprehensive content and engaging digital experiences. As essential resources for businesses and consumers, they enable professional advisers to connect with our engaged audiences and build deeper commercial relationships through increased opportunities for new business and greater brand awareness.

We create high quality, professional services content and services that are of value to our audiences.

Our portfolio of professional interest brands reaches target audiences that are actively seeking to purchase at multiple stages in their discovery journey. 

From written content, video, podcasts to eCommerce, we’re on a mission to empower our audiences through information while delivering effective marketing solutions for our commercial partners.

Contact our team to learn how we can help connect your brand to the audiences you want.